Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Review of Ghosts of Alcatraz by Carol Lynne

Let me start by saying that I really like this cover. Sure only one of the men actually fits the description of a character, at least in body type but still it is FINE!!!! Now on to the review. I am happy to say that this has to be my favorite Carol Lynne book ever. Which is saying something since she write characters that I love. But Ghosts of Alcatraz is a bit of a departure for her. At least in my opinion. Sure the wonderful characters that you couldn't help but love and root for were present. But this story had a completely different feel to it than previous works. I would have guaranteed that you could put a piece of Ms. Lynne's work in my hands and I would have been able to identify her writing style. Not so with this work. The pacing was the same in how quickly the two main characters fall in love but the similarities ended there. Not that this was a bad thing. On the contrary, this had the feel of a seasoned writer who had all their i's dotted and their t's crossed. In fact to show how much i loved this story i'll tell you something. I picked up and started several books before this one only to throw them down in disgust. It's not often that I get that way but for the past few days i've not been in the mood to read. I know shocking as it may sound it does occasionally happen to me as well. I try not to read books for review when i'm in this kind of mood because they will inevitably get a bad review. I pick out flaws that I normally let slide, if i'm in a better mood all I require is to be entertained and not feel like i'm slogging my way through a word soup or plot prison. But, by the second chapter I was deeply engrossed in Ghosts of Alcatraz, so much so that I almost burned dinner (yes, I read while cooking and folding laundry and walking for the most part, that' s how i broke my last ereader, ran into one too many walls and hitting my son's head was the last straw for it LOL). I read until I hit the last page and then cried "NO!". I wasn't ready for it to end...what about Fisher! What happens next? Where are they going from here? Is this going to be a series? Please, Ms. Lynne this has to be a series. You can't tease us, your faithful readers with little tidbits and then leave us hanging!!! So I suggest you go get your hands massaged and then sit down at the computer until you have the next book for us, otherwise you might have a lynching on your hands at your upcoming get together! But Ghosts of Alcatraz here.


  1. Wow! Thanks, Hayley. I actually had a dream two nights ago that gave me the entire plot for Fisher's book. Now I just need to find the time to write it. LOL

  2. Lol I know I read that the other day on your group. Needless to say I got all wiggly and excited when i read that!
